Wednesday 1 April 2009

Finally feeling human again


Today is the first day since Sunday that I'm feeling full of beans and raring to go - probably since it's a rest day - but also as I've never run so hard in a race before in my life - never really believed I could do it!

Had a great evening at BMF last night, despite the aching legs and arms, managed to run around, get bruised knees (again) and a little bit muddy!!

Going to have to run to work tomorrow as I've got a Relay meeting in the evening - takes some coordination on my part as I need to remember to bring clothes into work the day before so I don't have to carry everything with me as I run. Think it will be over to Primrose Hill via Kentish Town, through Regents Park and the long way round to work.

Have also discovered I can create my own Relay fundraising page........
It links into our B team page, but means I can update it and you get a message from me when you donate some money - give it a try and see what it says!!!!


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