Friday 29 May 2009

Last post before the big run

So, it's been a fun week, had my last BMF class on Tuesday - throwing each other across the park like cannonballs - only lead to one small bruise....

Other than that I've been busy being in denial and eating carbs

Right now I should packing for the trip to Edinburgh, but so far all I've managed to get together is some water and 4 apples, Time Out and Runners World - not really enough to run a marathon with!!

Probably ought to get on, I'm nervous about the run - going up by myself is a bit scary, but with a few 1000 others I won't be alone!

No email until I've left Edinburgh, so this is it for a while - have set myself a target time for 4hr30mins, so keep your fingers crossed and all forms of rain dance would be appreciated - it looks like it's going to be a warm one

Tuesday 26 May 2009

My last Sunday Run

before the big one that is!

Sunday dawned bright and sunny and HOT, so naturally we waited until the warmest part of the day before venturing out for a run.....

Out up Vincent Drive (past the massive new hospital) and along the canal to Five Ways - it was a good run, but Ewan is faster than me, so keeping up was an effort especially in the heat, but we made it there and back in good time - the incentive of left over Thai takeaway was a good one!!

Managed to get my name ironed onto my vest while watching some of Police Academy 3 - still a classic film and when I got back to London discovefred that my number had arrived - 7732 - which, according to my friend Charlotte, is lucky in Vietnam - that's good enough for me!

So now just 2 more runs and one BMF class and that's me ready for a marathon.......

Saturday 23 May 2009

Birmingham BMF

Is not as hard as Finsbury Park's - up in Brum for the weekend and ventured to Cannon Hill Park for BMF today. Popped on my usual red bib and off we went - I finished the class an hour later full of beans and not at all that tired - either I'm having an amazingly fit day or it was an easier class - I think the fact we walked (??!!!) in the warm up should have been some indication.....

To commiserate for a disappointing morning we went for brunch in the Selly Sausage and I'm happy to report that the bacon and maple syrup pancakes are still as amazing as ever - wouldn't recommend the poached eggs though

Going to iron my name onto my running vest later and fingers crossed my number will have arrived by the time I make it back to London - it's meant to get there today

Friday 22 May 2009

BMF countdown and off to Brum

I did my last Thursday BMF class last night - only Saturday's in Birmingham and then Tuesday in Finsbury Park and then none until I've recovered from the marathon - I'm going to miss them

Was a beautiful evening, lots of running up and down the hills (well, slopes) squirrels bounding around and the sun shining on the trees as it set......

Am off to Birmingham for the weekend - not too sure if we have an iron in the house, so have got my running vest to iron my name on to. Looking forward to BMF, a trip to the Selly Sausage for lunch, thai takeaway and a run round Sutton Park and my last alcoholic drink before the big day!

Thursday 21 May 2009

Confidence slowly coming back

Went for a good run around Regents Park yesterday - only 4 miles but it felt good - was so busy running I forgot to look out for the giraffes!

Can now count the runs I have left on one hand - it's getting a bit scary!

Wednesday 20 May 2009

I was a green!!!!

I'm either getting fitter or crazier or a little bit of both.

Last night at BMF there weren't many greens (the super fit crazy group) so when this happens they tend to split the quicker reds (the middle fit but not crazy group) off to make up the numbers. I found myself just outside the cut off but the instructor asked me if I wanted to go up a group and for some reason I found myself saying yes....

OMG the difference between the groups was crazy - faster running and no breaks at all, not that we have big breaks in the reds but at least a little rest between exercises - not so in the greens

I have never been so close to being sick from exercise, but it was fun and I got through it and am starting to wonder if I might try it again on Thursday..........

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Half breathing a sigh of relief.......

Didn't get into the NYC marathon - am on one hand relieved as I'm still worrying about Edinburgh and the thought of doing another one this year is a little daunting, but on the other hand I am a little disappointed - would be really great to go over and run around New York

Only have to apply for another 2 years and then get guaranteed entry, so by 2012 I'll definitely be doing it!!

Still have to wait for September/October to hear about London, so something to look forward to!