Monday 30 March 2009

Just a quickie after the marathon post of yesterday.......

I woke today with only minor aches, sadly these have not got any better as the day's gone on!!

Thought I'd be good and do a recovery run today, so went and ran with the Nike Town lot - 4 miles around Regents Park. Got to see some of the crazy barriers that are going up for the G20 - massive things

Was amazed that despite my legs feeling so tired I still ran at the same pace as yesterday - I thin it must be some kind of muscle memory keeping them going!!

Even better I got back to the store to discover they were giving away T shirts for the Girls vs Boys challenge that's currently going on - they're an amazing shade of pink that doesn't really come across in the photos - but you should look out for us girls - we're a fearsome sight when we're together!

Heading to bed with aching legs - fingers crossed they're fixed for tomorrow night's BMF.....

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