Friday 3 April 2009

A mixed day

My Nike+ died this morning

When it tells you the battery is running low, you can do a half marathon, 4 miles and then a little bit more and it dies........ the little bit more was the start of my run to work this morning. I hate running first thing, but needs must as a busy today and I'm out this evening

Had a good run in wearing my new pink Nike top - 6.69 miles according to but the top of Primrose Hill looked down onto a mist covered City and as I ran past the Zoo all the animals were still in bed!

Got to work, showered and went to collect the post only to discover Nike had sent another top - long sleeves and boring white this time, but sadly too small for me..... Clare - owner of chickens, spotter of Griff Rhys Jones' dog (I spotted Griff, she was distracted by the dog!) and lunchtime runner - has adopted it as hers - may take a photo next time we go out.......

No BMF last night as it was a Relay committee meeting - we've raised over £1000 so far, so only another £69,000 to go to match last year's total!!

Please, if you can make a donation, go here and pop your details in

It's looking a bit empty right now

thanks emma

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