Thursday 16 April 2009

The wettest run this year........

We're pretty hardcore in the Windeyer Institute.

The wettest day we've had in a while and me and my intrepid labmates decided it was time for a run (well, it was either that or do some work). After standing a few minutes under the canopy at the entrance to the building and getting asked by a couple of bemused people if we were 'going for a run in that' we set off round the park - our little 3 mile route

No sign of secret service squirrel today - too wet even for him

We got about halfway round before we decided we couldn't get any wetter and then it decided to, what felt like stop raining. In fact it only eased off, just it had been so hard it felt like it had stopped!

We very soggily and to much amusement of the staff went across the road from work for lunch - special pasta - always best on a Wednesday, but pretty good on a Thursday too - Macchiatos this would be. Ishta's is better for sandwiches though (unless you want a Reuben....)

Rest day tomorrow - can't wait - will give my kit some time to dry out - my shoes stepped in quite a few puddles today

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