Tuesday 21 April 2009

Saturday BMF - fun in the sun

Saturday was yet another sunny day - the Saturday classes always seem to have good weather - loads of people there, so as ever lots of running around and having fun

The afternoon was devoted to getting ready to go and represent Relay at a Ladies Night in Uxbridge. After a minor dress disaster, a haircut and a fun tube journey, I got to Uxbridge and we arrived with moments to spare

The masons were holding the dinner to raise money for our Relay and another Charity so all we had to do was smile sweetly and try and explain Relay to people - we were pretty good at it by the end of the evening, although we may have agreed to cycle from London to Brighton if the people we were sat with at dinner enter a team in our Relay......

I was almost persuaded to be naughty and stay over with my friends, but was good and left in plenty of time to catch the tube home. Unfortunately to tubes weren't running according to their advertised plan so I seemed to be catching the last tube home, but with a small dash through Kings Cross got the last Piccadilly line tube back and was home for a rather unrespectable 1:40am - not a good time considering the run on Sunday morning......

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