Tuesday 21 April 2009

Sunday - hot and long and busy

So Sunday dawned around 11am - great to catch up on some sleep, but not so good considering my planned route involved the South Bank

Sat trying to stretch an old route to 18miles I had the urge to check my running schedule and discovered that this weekend's long run only had to be 15miles, so that cheered me up no end!!


Didn't set off until 2pm as I had some food and had the obligatory faff around before heading out - was rather warm, but armed with money for water and my ipod - still not calibrated properly as it turns out - and Mr Garmin - all was looking ok

The run down to the river was great, as ever it was busy crossing Tower Bridge - they seemed to be putting the scaffolding up for next week's marathon as I ran over - the South Bank wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be for such a sunny afternoon, but it was busy and at some points you just had to walk behind streams of tourists.......

Got over Waterloo Bridge and stopped at my usual newsagents for some more water and the last stretch for home. Had done just over 10miles and was feeling pretty good. The run up to and past Euston is fairly uninspiring and then on to Kentish Town and it was here that my knees really started to hurt and I was tired - only 2 miles to go and I didn't want to do any more

But I made myself a deal, get to the yummy cake/coffee shop just down the road from my house and I could pop in there for a treat.

So, painfully and slowly I made my way towards the sugary delights I hoped were waiting for me. I arrived, was very good - stretched?! before going in only to discover there were no cakes left in the cooler..... but the coffee is fab so ordered one to take away

Got home, passed the mirror in out hallway only to catch a glimpse of myself - a crazed, sweaty, salt-encrusted mess - I thanked everything that is good in the world that there was no cake left - otherwise I'd be sat in there amongst members of the public looking like that!!

It was a long hard run mentally, and my knees suffered too - rest and ibuprofen is on the cards I think

Thankfully Monday is a rest day..... and we're off to see Ricky Gervais!

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