Tuesday 21 April 2009

More sunny BMF

Tuesday already! And the weather is looking a little too good for my liking

I have 3 friends running the London Marathon on Sunday and I'm hoping things cool down a bit before then or at least one of them will be a sunburned wreck by the end. Does mean my training schedule is messed around a bit this week as I need to get my long run in on Saturday rather than Sunday (which will be taken up with supporting my friends) definitely 18miles this time, so more tweaking of the route is needed...

For me though today meant another great class in the sunshine. My knees are still a little sore, but they're doing ok.

I have discovered I can't leapfrog - don't really remember doing it when I was younger and certainly can't now - I was mocked by the instructors, which I think was a little cruel, but battled on through I'm not sure how leapfrogging can help in a military setting, but didn't think it was the time to ask

Tried the Chinese Truck for lunch today - can highly recommend the duck noodles, and the Singapore ones are apparently just as good. Went to a nice pub yesterday before going to see Ricky - College Arms on Store Street - and does student discount

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