Saturday 2 May 2009

The rest of the week

After recovering from Marathon day, the week has been spent with the usual round of runs and BMF.

Slightly concerned that my knees are getting increasingly sore after my longer runs - have just discovered that I'm out of ibuprofen - a shopping trip to stock up is needed.

Fingers crossed that they behave themselves through the next 2 weeks of mega runs.......

A couple of crazy things have happened this week

Firstly - late on Monday night I signed up for next year's London Marathon - the first ever Virgin London Marathon - and after Sunday how could I resist?!

Secondly - I got a text yesterday afternoon from Brum telling me that they - Ewan and Leigh -had entered the ballot for the New York Marathon - I've always fancied doing this and so there's no way they were going to enter and I wasn't

So now I have to wait for October to hear about London and 2 weeks to hear about NY..... exciting, but NY is on 1st November of this year - not something I was expecting to be doing in 6 months time, but what are the chances of getting in?????!!

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