Monday 18 May 2009

A much better start to the week

So after the disaster that was the weekend, last week started much more promisingly

Had some good runs - went out twice from work - a record for us - even managed to remember to try out my CRUK running vest and take a photo!!

Missed Tuesday's BMF as busy with Relay stuff, but had a great session on Thursday.

Unfortunately Friday dawned with the beginnings of yet another cold, went to BMF on Saturday and struggled through trying to breathe and by Sunday morning even thinking about a run was a big no, so no long run this weekend, but lots of oranges were consumed

Starting to feel a little worried about Edinburgh now, but up until last weekend my training had been going much better than last year, so I'm hoping this week and a trip to Birmingham for my last 'long' run will bring my confidence back and then all that will be left is next week and the final countdown!!

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