Tuesday 26 May 2009

My last Sunday Run

before the big one that is!

Sunday dawned bright and sunny and HOT, so naturally we waited until the warmest part of the day before venturing out for a run.....

Out up Vincent Drive (past the massive new hospital) and along the canal to Five Ways - it was a good run, but Ewan is faster than me, so keeping up was an effort especially in the heat, but we made it there and back in good time - the incentive of left over Thai takeaway was a good one!!

Managed to get my name ironed onto my vest while watching some of Police Academy 3 - still a classic film and when I got back to London discovefred that my number had arrived - 7732 - which, according to my friend Charlotte, is lucky in Vietnam - that's good enough for me!

So now just 2 more runs and one BMF class and that's me ready for a marathon.......


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