Wednesday 25 March 2009

Disappointment and some major excitement

So the other 2 runs I wanted to do this year - the Royal Parks and Birmingham Half are both on the same day this year - 11th October

As we ran the first ever Birmingham Half last year we (me and my Brum friends) have decided to run that again - I want to try and run every one of them from now on

So will be missing out on the Royal Parks - hopefully one of them will change their date again next year!!!

On to the excitement (well, I'm excited!) - I'm getting my running vest sent out from CRUK and it comes with iron-on letters - just getting my name, but have already been told of more comedy things I should have asked for...... not sure if it will be here in time for Sunday, but fingers crossed

Really hoping to be able to raise lots of money for our Relay team and CRUK this year (, but know it's not going to be easy. I have a friend who walks 4 marathons in 4 days in Holland - perhaps I should try that next year - up the ante a little......

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