Friday 27 March 2009

Aching shoulders and a London moment

I'm suffering today after last night's BMF - carrying the medicine ball has certainly done it's job.... hopefully that will all have sorted itself by Sunday

Had a great day other than that - met my friend Jo for lunch at Borough Market - she has a proper job in the city, so I got to walk across London Bridge and feel like a proper Londoner amongst the suits - we had amazing falafel(?) and really yummy chocolate biscuit thing for pudding - everyone should go!!

Lots of pasta for dinner this evening, lots of water drunk, lucozade bought at Tesco on the way home, so almost set

Still not sure what time I need to leave the house on Sunday morning, but as my train is just before 8am at Paddington and the clocks go forward an hour it's not going to be good news when I look it up tomorrow is it?

Thanks go today to Erika for her support - she's going to shake a bucket at the Ideal Home Exhibition for the B Team tomorrow - hope you have a good day!!

I've never seen the Monument uncovered before!

And I've run to London Bridge before and underneath (I think) it but never been over it until today

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