Thursday, 9 April 2009

Where did the sunshine go??

Hee hee, it's been the first day of the Easter holidays here in London Town, but sadly no sun and even a bit of drizzle - not good for a holiday, but bodes a little better for the run on Sunday

Yesterday I had a really nice run with Clare and Jenny round Regents Park in the sunshine. No celeb spots, but we did see some herons.......

Have now got a new Nike+ sensor, and no offence to the girls, but I think it needs calibrating. All of a sudden our run was a mile longer and we were running a whole minute/mile faster than normal - seems unlikely in the space of a week that we've sped up that much and even less likely that the park has grown!!

I was hoping to do no more running before Sunday, but think I'll have to sneak on a treadmill and get it calibrated a little better, otherwise I could be setting all kind of new records!!

Had my BMF class tonight - finally managed to bump into the other Emma who ran Reading - I think she suffered as much as I did after the run, so I feel a little better about my seemingly excessive tiredness. Was a great class, only 12 of us reds, so lots of games and general fun - monkey running and leopard crawls....... will miss it on Saturday

So, only 3 more sleeps to Hose, let's hope they're good ones I'm feeling tired and that's never a good thing to be

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